Jan Dowman

I am a mixed media textile artist with a teaching background in Art and Design. Invariably I draw on disciplines from both areas.  Developing ideas and experimenting with new materials and processes continues to be important.

I don’t have a particular style rather the subject matter dictates the imagery and materials used. I often use the unconventional with textile materials and use figurative and non-figurative forms of imagery. What I love about textiles is that many materials can be used and combined.

My present focus is on the use of white materials to create sculptural forms.  For inspiration I draw on white marble statues and I am intrigued by the way light and shadow can emphasis and change a form.  

Attending other artist’s workshops on a regular basis informs my own work and practice. All artists have had their influence including members of Textilia 3 of which I was one of the founder members. I enjoy working with such a talented and committed group of artists who fully support the development of each others work. I exhibit on a regular basis with them.



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