Creative Thoughts Linda Dewart

September's Creative Thought is by Textilia member Linda Dewart

I am just completing a new series of work called “Pathways” which is going to be shown in the meeting room at the South Square Centre, in Thornton, Bradford, during September 2014

Dewart.L Path Scape 2014

 It continues and includes pieces created exploring how families and individuals are uprooted and replanted by circumstance – poverty, work, new relationships.  The terrific sense of displacement and dislocation that such migrations impose hit me whilst researching my own family history and I was left wondering about our own sense of belonging and what it means when we no longer have families living in the same place for generations.

Dewart. L Sense Of Place 2014

I usually work with a mixture of paint, stitch and collage and the Sense of Place incorporates fragments of transatlantic passenger lists, and old census forms along with ridged stitching to signify ploughed fields, and cross-stitches in clusters to signify communities setting up again – many of my ancesters could not write and signed forms with an X.

'Pathways' 5th - 28th September  
Opening Night Friday 5th Sept 7-9pm

The Meeting Room
South Square Centre

Contact Linda at

T: 01943 603235


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