Meet the Maker
Members of the Textilia 3 Group share the places that
inspire their Lightbulb Moments
In the sauna! I think it is the ideal
place for me to free my mind and just relax. Maggie
For me it is usually first thing in
the morning, often that moment when I am just waking up, if I don’t have to
leap out of bed to an alarm but can allow my dreaming spirit to settle back in
my body, bringing an image with it. Jo
I only have to see a broken fence or
a beautiful window or dead flower & it happens. I get excited as my
thoughts wander, I take photographs, make drawings, make copious notes &
gather fabrics, then I'm off.... Julie
If it is for a site-specific piece,
then a trip to the site and a careful study with sketches or photos usually
gives me things to think about and work on. I find it works best when I go with
no preconceived ideas. That is when I get the most creative ideas. Catherine
When I am in my own space: in the
night although the idea is often ridiculous in the morning! or driving down a
country lane. Anne
Two days ago a whole bank of wild
primroses; soft, muted, delicate yellows on a grey morning.
So perfect! Catherine W
So perfect! Catherine W
I often think of things when I’m dog
walking - I think it’s that enforced break from whatever I’m doing and being
inspired by the small differences in familiar places, the changing light, the
changing seasons. Gemma
I have those light-bulb moments in the middle of
the night but also when you read or see something that 'speaks' to you. Sue
Walking my dog on the Pennine hills
or more irritatingly, just as I am about to go to bed, and then I can't sleep. Claire
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